Friday, June 29, 2007

God Trying to Get Your Attention

I have a lot to say today but first of all, I'd like to give an Adam update.
I know many people are reading these posts thinking, "There is so much pain and suffering in the world. Why is she getting all worked up about a kitten?" And they would be right. Each day, I get on the computer and read about the people affected by the Iraq war, people suffering from AIDS in Africa, genocide in Sudan, bloggers losing their precious children, fires, floods and famine. My heart breaks a little each time. I do care. A great deal. And I store all of it up inside of me. But for some reason, this little kitten was the tipping point for me. He pushed me over the edge. Maybe it's because I'm really sensitive about animals. Maybe it's because he looks like the cat I lost last year. Maybe it's because the depths of human cruelty astound me. But Adam's story has really really affected me.

This little kitten has such a tremendous will to live. Although he had his little tail amputated yesterday, he is purring and kneading and bathing his paws. He is fighting really hard. (pardon me, while I blow my nose) This little creature has no understanding of why someone would set him on fire or even why others would take care of him. In his short life, he has seen both sides of the human psyche. And yet he still has the ability to trust and to fight. And that says something to me.

Today, I sat in Starbucks reading the book QUAKER SUMMER by Lisa Samson. It was recommended by Katrina over at Callapidder Days. Normally, when I hear about Christian fiction, my eyes roll back in my head. I'm just not a fan. But I love this book. It is exactly what I needed right now. When I got back in the car, Keb' Mo's song "God Trying to Get Your Attention" came on. (have I mentioned that I adore Keb' Mo'?) I'm wondering if this book and Adam the kitten are conspiring to get my attention in some way. I think God is trying to knock me in the head and say something. Today, I'm going to try and listen.

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