Monday, January 31, 2011

Save Our Libraries!

Phil Bradley has manipulated a wonderful set of vintage war-time posters to express a pro-library message. I particularly like this one:

I have worked in public and academic libraries for ten years.  I still believe that public libraries are one of the few great equalizers left.  Anyone can use the public library. They are our contemporary agoras. It pains me to see library budgets being slashed at a time when so many people need the resources that these institutions provide.  (I feel the same way about community colleges.)

Take a moment and check out this wonderful set of posters.


(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I couldn't agree with you more Amy. Now with so many people losing home, out of work, the public libraries are needed all the more. (love that poster as well).

Tracy said...

I love reading and am at my local library a couple of times week. These posters are great.

I'm a new follower from and I'm so happy I found this blog. I'm always looking for new books to read so it'll be great to get some new ideas from you!
