Thursday, July 05, 2012

Temporarily Closed for Training

(image source)

Hello Friends!
I will be gone for the next few weeks.  My work has given me the opportunity to go through some intense Archives training.  I'm both excited and nervous about it.

I have a master's degree in Anthropology and started out working in museums.  I LOVED working in museums.  I could never manage to secure a permanent position, though. So....

I took my skills in collection development and maintenance and combined that with my passion for books and headed into the public library system. I have now worked in libraries for over ten years.

Archives training would give me the opportunity to bridge my museum skills with my library skills.  I'm taking advantage of this opportunity to improve my skills.

I have never been apart from Noodlebug for more than one night before. This is going to be tough!

I'll be checking in over the next few weeks but posts will be few and far between.

See you soon!!!

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