Friday, September 01, 2006

Luke 12:48

In my bible, which is a New American Standard version, part of Luke 12:48 says, "And from everyone who has been given much shall much be required." I have taken this verse to heart for many years. It talks about blessings and responsability. If you believe, as I do, that God has blessed you with both material and spiritual gifts, then you should do something positive with them.

I have had some wonderful role models in my life. Namely, my parents and grandparents. I remember my mom always being involved in community activities when I was growing up. And my parents were both involved in our church. We even hosted bible studies at our house. My parents were generous to a fault. They always tried to help other people in any way they could. And my grandparents were the same way.

And I am adopted. I was adopted through Lutheran Family Social Services when I was three months old. And my parents didn't put any restrictions on the adoption. They were willing to take whatever baby they got. And they ended up with a half-Mexican half-Irish baby girl with some serious diaper rash but overall good health. And to this day, people tell me I look exactly like my parents. And I do.

I was blessed with a good home, loving parents and excellent health. I went to the best public school and never lacked for anything. We weren't rich but I always had everything I needed and more. I never lacked for toys or vacations or activities. And I was able to go to the college of my choice. I couldn't ask for a better life.

I have been blessed with wonderful family and friends and now, a wonderful husband who loves me wholeheartedly and without reservation. And my mom has always helped me to make the most comfortable of homes for myself. Often, giving me things that I didn't deserve.

I am very mindful of how my "cup runneth over." And I have tried very hard to give back through my time and my money. My friend Vieve recently blogged about overcommitting oneself. I have a habit of that. There are so many voluntary activities I want to be a part of. So many ways I'd like to help and give back. I am trying to be good about not getting carried away. I've limited myself to a few activities. I continue my work with the Junior League. I've joined the local Woman's Club. I help out with a project at my church. And I teach Sunday school. Now that I will be working full-time, that will have to be enough. Although I am sure I will help out with various single-day projects from time to time.

A whole lot has been given to me over the years. I just hope I take enough time to give some of it back.

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