It looks like Adam, the little burned kitten, will be adopted as early as next week. He is doing great and has grown a lot of new fur. And he has the sweetest face!
See current photos here.
One of the greatest things about Adam's story is that he has brought attention to the evils of animal cruelty and also to the plight of homeless cats in our area. He is our own spokeskitty!
More good news: the two girls who burned Adam have plead guilty and are awaiting sentencing. I hope we send a swift and strong message about how we don't tolerate animal cruelty by people like these girls or by people like Michael Vick!
*UPDATE* Adam is officially being adopted by his caretaker Tina! I am so thrilled. Tina has been with Adam constantly since he was brought in and they have a very special bond. The above photograph of Adam and Tina is borrowed from the Santa Rosa Press Democrat. What a wonderful happy ending!
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