Tuesday, February 17, 2009

SING THEM HOME by Stephanie Kallos

I can't remember where I first heard about SING THEM HOME but the subject matter intrigued me. Hope Jones, mother of three, is taken up in a tornado in 1978 and is never seen again. Her family must live with the consequences of that fateful day. SING THEM HOME follows Hope's three grown children who have all been shaped by the loss of their mother. But it is much more than their story. Every one in the small town from Hope's husband to the dead themselves are affected by Hope's disappearance. The story is told from many different points of view and each individual reveals small parts of the greater story from a different perspective. SING THEM HOME is a tale of family, legacies and secrets. However, it is also a peek into the microcosm of small town life.

This chunkster was slow to get started but once I got into it, I couldn't put it down. I had to find out the truth about Hope's story and disappearance. Kallos lends a bit of whimsy to the story by making the town's dead active participants in the tale. It's a lovely story and I can't wait to go back and read Kallos' first book.

BOTTOM LINE: Highly recommended. Don't let the length deter you. This is a great family drama.

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