Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Your Moment of Zen

I didn't think it could get any weirder or funnier than Awkward Family Photos. And then my friend Kim introduced me to THE PEOPLE OF WALMART!!!!

The perfect timewaster/pseudo-schadenfreude that I have seen in awhile!
I am cruising through Lethem's CHRONIC CITY right now and hope to start the new AS Byatt over the holidays.  Lots of reviews coming soon.

In the meantime, I hope you all have a lovely Thanksgiving full of blessings and yummy food. 


Marie Cloutier said...

Have a great Thanksgiving Amy!

Bookfool said...

Those Walmart photos are funny but disturbing!!! I added the feed to my google reader and then decided I couldn't cope with seeing it regularly. LOL Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!