Sunday, January 31, 2010

Notes in the Margin

I'm still here! I don't know why but last week felt interminably long.  Luckily, I have a four day weekend right around the corner.  Just gotta get there!  In the meantime, I am trying to finish the following books:

SOLAR by Ian McEwan
CLEAVING by Julie Powell
ANGEL AND APOSTLE by Deborah Noyes

These books landed on my doorstep last week:

DESERT LOST by Betty Webb (purchase)
HOUSE OF TOMORROW by Peter Bognanni (ARC)
KEEPING THE FEAST by Paula Butturini (ARC)
MAKING TOAST by Roger Rosenblatt (ARC)

A few of them sound a little sad and I'm not sure if I am ready to read again with a box of tissues at my side. But they all sound really good so I probably will. I better go buy stock in Kleenex!!!

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