You all know that I am big believer in the Random Act of Kindness/Pay it Forward concept. I regularly surprise people in the drive-thru at Starbucks by buying their coffee for them.
Well, Jennifer over at Wilson Six is having a contest to promote this kind of behavior. So, post about the contest at your blog and link it back to Jennifer and you could win a great prize! But, more importantly, go out and do something randomly kind and wonderful for somebody. Here are some suggestions:
*leave something for a neighbor
*Pay for the coffee of the car behind you at your local coffee shop
*Send a note to someone that you have not talked to in ages
*Buy the sweet Wal-mart greeter a soda as you leave the store
*Have your children get involved
*writing a thank you note to someone who would never expect it and maybe one you have been thinking in your head but have not taken the time to do it
*track down an former school teacher and let them know the great affect they had on you
*the next time you leave the store tell the manager something you enjoyed
*pick a family member and write tell them why you love being in their family
*send your spouse or friend a note at work
*buy lemonade from any kid selling it on the street
Here is the link to Jennifer's site:
Now, go forth and be NICE!!!
Thanks for the great post! I appreciate the Link! I look forward to more RAK from you.
I'm confused by the coffe shop idea? do your coffee shops have drive thru lines or something? (I have never seen that if it's true!!)
Hi Vieve! Yes, this is a drive-thru idea. There are quite a few Starbucks with drive-thrus where I live. This works with basically any drive-thru establishment.
ah ok! Well, I have never seen a Starbucks with a drive thru but to be honest I can't think of ANY places near me with drive thrus. Where I live it is much easier to walk than to drive... I do know of several places with walk up windows!
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