Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Even the cat...

Now, after reading this post you will probably say to yourself, "Malady has finally lost her mind." And you'd probably be right.

I love blogging. I love to blog and I love to read other people's blogs. And now....

...if you can believe it...

My cat has his own web page. It's like a MySpace page for cats.


Once he heard that his buddy Adam (the sweet little burned kitty) had HIS own web page, Toulouse would not be denied. Now, they are cyber-buddies. Toulouse has more online "friends" than I do!!!

And now, you must excuse me while I go find my marbles.


Bookfool said...

What can I say. Cat lovers are weird, but we wouldn't have it any other way.

Amy M. said...

Cat lovers ARE weird. Isn't it great?!!!

Nyssaneala said...

Ack, I'm a procrastinator.

But Isabel has decided she wanted to join the fun!

Cabang Olahraga Atletik said...

Thank's for your sharing. it is usefull for me. duniaq