Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Presents and Such

I know I have mentioned this before but I LOVE giving gifts. I really do. That is what most excites me about special occasions where gifts are de rigueur. Although I enjoy getting presents (I love surprises), I get far more excited about giving them. So, I am excited about Christmas being so close because I can't wait to see people open the presents I got them. I think I did pretty well this year.

I have already received two great presents this year and I don't really want anything else.

My mother got me laser eye surgery for my birthday. This was a really big deal. I've had glasses since second grade. I've never done well with contacts so I always kind of felt limited by my glasses. They eventually became part of my identity. I always thought of myself as "the girl who wears glasses." They fit in with my nerdy bookish personality. But I have loved being able to see clearly. It has changed my life. I still reach up sometimes to take my glasses off at night, though. Old habits die hard.

The second amazing gift I got this year was a pledge of love and commitment from Gary symbolized by a lovely diamond ring.

You can't beat that.

But, now that I think about it, I have received a third great gift this year. The love and loyalty of my friends and family. That's pretty wonderful.

I guess I'm pretty well stocked in the gift department.

1 comment:

Ellen said...

Hey! I can't find your email address for some reason, if you could drop me a line...

Thank you so much for Anna's book! I love it! (she just wants to chew on it right now, but I won't let her.) I put it up on the Special Books shelf. As usual, you picked the perfect gift.