Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Ugly Malady?

When I was 14, I was a pretty sorry sight. Skinny. Permed hair. Braces. Glasses. Acne. Yuck.

I overcame the acne and the permed hair in high school. And even the braces. Until my junior year. Then, I had the pleasure of braces AGAIN.

Fast forward some ten years and here I am. Chunky but with straight hair, clear skin and laser-corrected vision. And crooked teeth. Again.

As I continue to struggle the vision in my right eye, I am faced with getting braces yet again. My bite is so far off that if I don't do something, it will eventually effect my jaw joint. Am I going to end up with glasses and braces again? Will I get my own tv show about a plucky yet ugly girl working in a library? Stay tuned....


Literary Feline said...

You could get jeweled braces and then run around showing off your "bling, bling." ;-)

Amy M. said...

Hey, Good idea Literary! Maybe I should get a grille like those rap stars and do it up right!

Genevieve said...

you could get that invisilign (sp?) thing... I know 2 people who have had it. It works really well, and honestly, I didn't know they had it on until they showed me. I don't think it's more expensive than regular braces, either.

Amy M. said...

Believe it or not, my teeth are so bad that I am not a candidate for Invisialign. But I will probably do clear braces.