Monday, May 03, 2004

So, lately I have realized two new things about myself. Today I'll talk about the first one and tomorrow the other one.

Amy's weird revelation #1:

I don't like new people. I think it has something to do with my hatred and discomfort with change. When my now friend Brian C. started working at the library with me, I refused to acknowledge his presence for weeks. It had nothing to do with Brian. He was perfectly nice. But because I am shy and hate change, I just pretended that he wasn't there. Part of me may have been worried about a change in the work dynamic. Until that point, I had been very happy with my job and the way things were going. Maybe part of me feared that a new person would change that. I was right. He did change it. For the better. I found out that Brian was a professional actor thawed me out a little bit. That gave me something to talk about with him. Gradually, I realized Brian was a kindred spirit and now I adore him. But it took some time. I realize now that this is a pretty common thing with me. For example, I refused to speak to my ex-boyfriend Nick the first two times I met him. I wanted nothing to do with him. Then, out of the blue, we got into a discussion about globalization and he impressed me with his conversation skills and I fell for him then and there. Yet, I had hardly acknowledged his presence the two previous times I met him. Weird. I really am a crazy bitch.

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