Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Big Switch

Well, I'm going to try and switch over to the new Blogger today. I'm kind of scared. What if it doesn't work? What if I lose three years of blogging?! I'm going to try and remain positive.

In the meantime...

I listened to the President's press conference this morning....


You know what? The man is the President of the United States and he will have my respect for that. However, he makes me so mad when I listen to these press conferences. He acts like a petulant child. He is so rude to the press. Even when they are asking perfectly valid questions. One woman asked him if he would overrule his generals etc if they disagreed about sending more troops into Iraq. He basically refused to answer the question calling it purely "hypothetical." Then, he said to her in a very sarcastic way, "Nice try." Like instead of asking a perfectly reasonable question, she was trying to trick him. I don't understand why he is like that.

I got caught up on the Daily Show and the Colbert Report last night. I've been missing them both because I go to bed earlier now. But Colbert's commentary on Republican "cojones" vs. Democrat "cojones" really made me laugh. I especially liked it when he said that ladies can have balls but he prefers to call them "Thatchers." I love that Stephen Colbert.

1 comment:

Genevieve said...

did you get it to switch? I still can't get mine to switch! How did you do it? I no longer even have a link in my dashboard to get me to switch...