Friday, April 06, 2007

Happy Easter!

I recently made a vow to be more open about my faith so I am going to move outside of my comfort zone with this post.

Easter is THE big holiday for Christians. And I just love it. I won't be able to go to church this year on Easter but I will celebrate it in my heart.

When I visited some of the catacombs in Rome on my honeymoon last year, the guide showed us all of the early Christian iconography drawn on the walls of the tombs. The guide said that every single picture pointed to the fact that "death does not have the final say." These Christians died with hearts filled with hope and the knowledge that death wasn't the end.

Easter is the biggest reminder of that fact.

Whether or not you are a Christian, I wish you all peace and love on this holy holiday.

Christ is risen.


Peace be with you.

1 comment:

clothesknit said...

Good for you putting it out there. May you have a blessed holiday as well!