"For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more." Luke 12:48
This is one of my favorite bible verses and I try really really hard to live by it because I often feel like the luckiest girl in the world. So, in recognition of 32 blessed years on this earth as of May 25, I am hosting a little giveaway.
The Grand Prize winner will receive one of the coveted Oprah totes given away this year full of goodies and samples. (includes everything in photo above except Nexxus prize on the left)
The 2nd Prize winner will receive a Nexxus haircare gift set.
To enter, please leave a comment on this post AND TELL ME HOW YOU FOUND MY BLOG. Include your contact info. I will accept entries until I do the drawing on Tuesday night, May 29.
Ooooh, cool! Sign me up, please! I think I found your blog when you signed up for the Chunkster Challenge, although I don't see the little button in your sidebar. Hmmm, am I wrong?
Well, I guess I have to quit lurking in the shadows now .... :) I found your blog quite a while ago when I googled "Ellen Mat..." to look for her contact information. Thus, I found your blog, her blog, etc. So, many, many thanks for making my reconnection with Ellen possible. Plus, many, many thanks for a great blog. Send me an email if you get a chance.
Amy (Jensen) Thompson
TU Class of '97
Happy Birthday. I have no idea how I found your blog but here I am. Wishing you the best.
Isaiah 53:5 is my fav bible verse. Cheers.
I've just tagged you for the "Eight Things About Me" meme. It's done the rounds and I can't remember if you already did this one, but just ignore me if you have and don't feel obligated if you haven't!
oh, please enter me! um, I found your blog because I know you, but I think in fact it was our friend Dave B. who told me about it.
Wow! What a generous gift! I love stuff like that, and the tote is so cute.
I found you because I was your bookswap pal.
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