Someone recently asked me how I got my screen name "Malady." Well, it's a small tale really. One I may have already told before. But here it is.
I went to college in my home state of Texas and the first few weeks were a little rough. I'm a only child and I'm pretty shy. Okay, REALLY shy. The university had all of these mixers for freshman in the first couple of weeks. As I sat holed up in my dorm room (my roommate didn't show up for about a week), I decided to force myself to go to the ice cream social. I ended up at a table with two really nice women named Kate and Ellen. I recognized a kindred spirit in Ellen right away. She had a sense of humor and a good sense of whimsy too. Somehow, we got on the topic of nicknames and Ellen said that she had never gotten a good nickname like "Frank." I told her that from that moment on, I would call her "Frank." She, in turn, called me "Malady" which is a play on my actual name.
Being the creative soul that she is, Ellen wrote a children's book about our adventures in college called "Malady." When I got married, she did the sequel called "Malady Gets Married." I hope that someday (perhaps soon) she will be able to do the third book in the series, "Malady Has a Baby." And even more than that, I hope that Malady and Frank get to have more adventures together. And their present and future children too!
By the way, in case you hadn't guessed, Frank is none other than the wonderful and talented Queen Ellen. I just know that she isn't blogging right now so she can open an Etsy store. Right, Frank?
(the above picture is from "Malady Gets Married" and is copyrighted by Ellen)
How totally cool! I'd wondered where "Malady" came from. :)
who was your roommate, I don't remember? and why wasn't she there? Didn't we HAVE to go to all that mentor group stuff?
Adri was my roommate. She was delayed in coming to school for some reason.
There were some mentor group activities and then there were some ALL freshman activities. The ice cream social was one of them.
And, of course, I met you through Zeta Chi! Whoopee!
What a great story! I love your screen name and wondered how you got it. And I completely understand the only child bit--I'm not shy, but sometimes I prefer being alone.
Oh, right, Adri! For some reason I was thinking Mindy but that didn't seem right for first year.
I just found your blog through Bookfool, and what a lovely blog it is! I'm looking forward to many more visits in the future.
And if you don't mind my asking, which college did you go to? I'm a Texas native myself.
Love the story of your nickname!
Andi--Thanks for dropping by! My blog is kind of all over the place. You never know what I'll be blogging about. I have a separate crafting blog and religion blog. Hope you'll drop by again!
Oh, it was Trinity University!
What a great story! And an awesome picture! Did Ellen draw that?
I always wanted a nickname too. I gave myself one in high school but no one used it except my brother. Every once in a blue moon someone calls me Wen, a shortened version of my name. And Kookiejar, another fellow blogger, calls me Kitty.:-)
I like the nickname Malady.
Hello, Frank here.
Hurry up and get pregnant so I can start the next book, "Malady Gets Knocked Up."
Hi Litty Kitty! Yes, Ellen actually drew that. She is so wonderfully talented!
Frank--We're working on it! (wink)
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