Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Cooking the Books

Well, I met with the woman doing the audit last night. By the time I got there, my anger had died down. I sat down with her and said that I wished she had simply come to me rather than go to the President. She said that the problems with the books occured sometime between the former financial secretary and myself. So, it wasn't my fault. That is why she wanted to talk to the President. It wasn't a fun meeting but it went okay. They use really old-school bookkeeping techniques. And I will do whatever they want. Now, I have to go back and fix all the financial reports for the last couple of months and redo the books. But, I'll get it right eventually. Hopefully.

Tonight, I'm going to my first meeting with new Junior League that I just transferred into. Hopefully, it will be good. I'm still trying to make friends in the area.

One of my projects this week is to get a list of the books I read in 2006 posted on this blog. It will be a good year-end review for me. Not sure when I'm going to find the time to do it but I am determined.


Genevieve said...

oh, I'm glad the meeting went ok! But I still think she should've talked to you first, before going to the president. You probably could've worked it out on your own first.

Let me know how the JL meeting goes - what kind of a meeting is it? Do you have to do a transfer year or do they just give you a placement?

Jasclo said...

good for you! glad it went ok.